One important aspect of a Genius
Hour Passion Project is its documentation and publication. As you
proceed with your project, please be sure to capture pictures and video
of yourself which can highlight your journey on the way to completion.
For this blog post, please think about and answer the following five
questions by the end of class on Monday, Feb. 11:
1) What, specifically, are you doing for your project? If you've changed or modified your project since the fall (which is fine), please note what it is you've changed or switched to.
2) How many steps or tasks does your project involve? What do you have to actually do between now and the end of your project?
3) Which of these steps or tasks would work well for documentation? What could you take photos or videos of?
4) How do you plan to share and publicize your work? Will you publish a
video to YouTube and share the link with friends and teachers? Will you
write an article for the Spotlight Media Group for publication on Will you create and publish a photo gallery on the
Spotlight website or Instagram or some other form of social media? Will you create a website using Google Sites?
5) How close are you to being done with your project? Please keep in
mind that all projects will need to be completed by Monday, May 20. If you've finished your project, please note when it was completed.