For your first seminar blog assignment, I would like you to take a personality inventory and answer some questions. This activity is designed to give you a better understanding of your strengths, weaknesses,
and interests.
For this assignment, I would like you to visit this website:
and take the Jung Typology Test. After completing the test, you will
receive a personalized result. Explore the different links about your
specific personality and answer the following questions in a blog
post on your Genius Hour/Passion Project blog:
1. What is your type? Provide the initials with percentages as well as the full words
2. What are three characteristics of your type?
3. Do you generally agree or generally disagree with your rating?
4. What are three possible career choices for people of your type?
5. What is one observation about the learning style of people with your type?
6. Who are three famous people with your type?
You may label your responses 1-6 or just write them all in a large paragraph. If you have any questions, please let me know!
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